I am deeply grateful for this very specific and educated way of teaching yoga with the intention to heal on all levels. I'm working with chiropractors, doctors and yoga specialists who have studied with the very teachers that brought yoga to the west in the late 1800s; receiving the most authentic knowledge.
Yoga therapy is the integration of using eastern yogic practices and western medicine to provide optimum treatment for the mental, emotional or physical aliments of any given person. -Maya Donovan
Yoga Therapy adapts the practice of Yoga to the needs of people with specific or persistent health problems not usually addressed in a group class. -Samata Yoga Center (U.S.A) Larry Payne, Ph.D
Yoga therapy is the adaption of yoga practices for people with health challenges. Yoga therapists prescribe specific regimens of postures, breathing exercises, and related techniques to suit individual needs. Medical research shows that Yoga therapy is among the most effective complementary therapies for several common aliments. The challenges may be an illness, a temporary condition like pregnancy or childbirth, or a chronic condition associated with old age or infirmity. - Yoga Biomedical Trust (England) Robin Monro, Ph.D.
Yoga Therapy is the use of the techniques of Yoga to create, stimulate, and maintain an optimum state of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. - Judith Hanson Lasater, Ph.D.
Yoga therapy comprises a wide range of mind/body practices, from postural and breathing exercises to deep relaxation and meditation. It tailors these to the health needs of the individual. It helps to promote all-round positive health, as well as assisting particular medical conditions. The therapy is particular appropriate for many chronic conditions that persist despite conventional medical treatment. - Yoga Therapy and Training Center (Ireland) Marie Quail